What's in a Month

May 2024

After three years of writing, creating, conception designs and CGI testing we are racing to the second part of this feature's journey.

Welcome to May.

Most of April was taken up with the fan fiction, love letter, Devious. Episode 5 of this, 30 year in the making, Epic which had it’s premiere at DWAS (Doctor Who Appreciation Society) 2024 Convention, ‘The Capitol.’ Please read below for more information.

The Super Charly boat continues to chug along as I find myself nearing the end of the first leg of this production’s journey. Conceived towards the end of July 2020, the following three years has been three of the most full filling years of my life. Dovetailing with my own recovery the story of Super Charly has merged and mirrored my own life and I hope I have done the story justice with the script I have produced.

Mental health is such an important topic I have no wish to dumb down the impact on the individual in any way, so I hope that my script will be as nuanced and subtle, exciting, action packed, emotional and truthful. With the emphasis on truthful, regardless of any fantasy happenings within the story, if it’s not truthful at it heart, then I would have failed and the movie will not deserve to be made. So, here’s believing, dreaming, never giving up, reaching out; to push through the darkness until you reach the light.

Chugging along on the old rag doll
The Dr Who Convention which premiered Devious episode 5. Click on the image to visit DWAS website.
CGI Ashley faces off with a Dalek


As you can see from above Devious was very fortunate to be a part of The Capitol DWAS (Doctor Who Appreciation Society) Convention, for the third year running.
Just being a fan fiction movie, who were lucky enough to have John Pertwee guest star in their story, we are always chuffed to bits to be apart of the DWAS convention and joining them in celebrating Doctor Who. So after all the panels with the stars of the programme, autography's and failing to be cool around our TV heroes, Devious formed part of the evenings entertainment; just after the Conventions traditional auction of all things, 'Who!'
So that's 5 episodes down, some extra work to prepare 5 for it's You Tube upload and then it's onto No 6. (Not the Prisoner!) Finally the Devious journey will come to an end. 30 years in the making, 25 years since John Pertwee filmed his scene and 10 years since I promised the director that I would assist in seeing this beast to rest. I have been told that episode 6 will not be next year, but ready for 2026, 50 years of DWAS, so we could become apart of their special celebrations. If it happens, that would be a cool way for Devious to take it's final bow.

Forbidden Dalek

Staying with Devious for my next article I wanted to revisit my tools and method for motion capture (I just love mo-cap!) as I will be working on completing a couple of scenes for the You Tube version of Devious episode 5. 

Below you’ll see an image of a creature called the Spiker (Built by Ashley of the Devious gang) and my attempts to Mo-cap this creature failed, so he was hand animated (It was early days for blender for the Devious team – episode 1’s effects were created with the software, Cinema 4D). So , this time round the Spiker will be Mo-caped.

As before, I’d like to highlight the programmes I have used and my minute long silly video giving a guide to my personal method of how I get my Mo-cap data.

Spiker from episode 2 of Devious


To visit Blender please click on their logo.


To visit Brekel please click on the image.

Finally the first episode of Tracing the Rails has been premiered on You Tube.

Please click above to watch the show.

Chris T Kirk & Stephen Cranford (And the lovely Mike; who has joined the team) are very, very dear friends of mine and I’ll be following this new venture with great interest. Great stuff guys! 

Be kind Love life Be amazing

Lets all try to be a little nicer, kinder and caring towards others. We do live in a wonderful world. I know there is lots of darkness and hardship all around us, but the more of us who believe, then slowly we will all help in turning the darkness into light. Have a great month everyone.