I’ ve been working in my garden and, at present, it looks like the landing site for the TARDIS from the 60s Dr. Who movie, ‘2150A.D’. which I’ll be looking forward to seeing at my local cinema. An amazing double bill of both movies. Even Helen is coming with me! And that’s saying something….
Marionette Movie
Fairy Tail Theatre & Shaun Winter’s Marionettes have teamed up to produce a movie version of a newly adapted version of the fable, ‘Fire-Bird’. Writing duties fell to author David Moodie who’s books have ranged from the, ‘Jemima’s’ Trilogy to his autobiographical story, ‘Colonial Child’s. Knowing that this adaptation would be a filmed project allowed him greater freedom to sculpt a more cinematic script to best serve the presentation of the story.
Filming took place at Worthing’s well established and long serving, ‘Ivy Arch Studios’. Which has a long and rich history withing the arts community.
Also my battle continues to bring Super Charly the movie to life. My passion project has been a bit, stop, start, of late as other projects have got in the way! But it’s still in the works and, very soon, I’ll be able to turn my attention to the project and hold all other projects at bay……well, long enough to complete my second concept trailer to send off for approval. Charley’s Journey continues…………..
Above are some images of the stuff I’ve been working on. Super Charly, Doctor Who: Devious and a new lamp for my Police Box. Yay!
#bekind #becreativeeveryday #mentalhealth